In cooperation with our company each customer has an access to his documents concerning the work with us, and everyone who comes to our website we provide with the complete list of papers and forms that are used in working. Since we have a personal account for each existing client of our company, the exchange of documents on work is always available online. We strive to be more open to dialogue with our customers and do it directly on our website. If you did not find anything on the pages of our website or you need a separate form of reporting or documentation turnover, we are ready to adjust the on-line account according to your request. Each stage of the transaction or services is strictly controlled, but when working with containers, providing with transport services, warehousing, and others, it is impossible to predict all cases and calculate a universal scheme, mutually suitable to the client and the contractor.
Therefore, our company is available to the contact at any time. For clients there is the possibility to exchange Agreements and Applications by e-mail to facilitate the completion of stages of the transaction. Containers offered for sale have certificates of quality and conformity in accordance with the accepted standards for them. For financial products such as leasing, credit, installment that are offered to the customers together with cargo transportation and purchase and sale of containers, we offer to download the required documents under its client’s login. The procedure for obtaining access to his personal data for each client runs in protected mode. The sharing of documents takes place only between our company and the client. This information is not available for the others and is not transferable.
Be careful FUTOVIK company has no other domain zones except . If someone appears from our company and points to another domain zone, such a company has nothing with us. Beware of scams.