Modern logistics in the sphere of container transportation and cargo operations with all types of containers adapted to the rapid turnover of containers. But you will never know where and when you will need more containers, than it is in the nearest container platforms, or in the opposite direction, when an excess of railway containers is created at the station or terminal, and the cargo flow decreases, leaving containers in waiting mode. The situation with containers is not specific. Similar problems must be solved by each enterprise in any economic zone. Processing of containers should be followed with the service for storage of railway and sea dry cargo and specialized containers. Storage containers can be arranged at a variety of sites: terminals, equipped for the receipt and dispatch of cargo containers, railway stations, which are sufficient for placement of empty containers. Sea port areas should always have freight containers in stock. Sea container owners try to keep their equipment closer to the transport conglomerates in order the containers be controlled and accessible.
Let’s call areas for container storage as container terminals. Terminals can be divided according to their purpose. Firstly, there are terminals that provide only services for the dry storage of containers, some of them only work with containers of 20 feet and 40 feet, other terminals work with all dry containers and even Ref container equipment, but without the possibility of its connection. Secondly, there are terminals that place and keep containers of all models and types, and, in addition, can repair all kept containers. Thirdly, there are storage container terminals, but the number of their services also includes loading and shipment of containers of various directions. Such sites should have large area for different types of cargo works. They also get suitable railway branch that is able to move containers to the main railway routes.
General development of the terminals for storage of containers is committed to provide all types of container services, right up to the customs area for loaded containers for exported and imported goods. Storage of containers is obligatory, but is not the main subject of income of the modern terminals. Now terminals want to combine the functions of an operator. Not every company is ready to incur capital expenditures to create multilogistic complex for containers, therefore larger terminal is a long process, but obligatory. As for the separate storage of containers, its cost is worldwide about the same. If you need to store the container, then the calculation of cost of services of the terminal consists of crane operations and actual time of placement of containers. Crane services cost from 10 to 30 dollars, and storage is from 0,5 to 1,5 per TEU. FUTOVIK takes all kinds of containers for storage in all countries. State and expenses incurred by the container can be seen by our customer in their personal accounts.