Each container following sea route requires forwarding support in the port. Sea ports can be different; terminals in them can be opened for a wide range of goods or can be highly specialized, and serve only a few types of cargo. From the point of view of transport security, the majority of port terminals are trying to have the capability to handle container flows. Sea containers make a good profit to the port, and their service pays its way very fast when sea terminal working reasonably. In each country with outlet to the sea a number of container ports is limited, and players of the sea container market are known to each other and their tariffs almost do not differ. The staff of our company worked out rules of working with container ports, we are aware of the rules and procedures of port container handling in various countries. Arriving in port a container must have a port forwarder, otherwise the terminal cannot run a container in its area. This way of relations between terminals and container carriers is chosen for safety purposes. Not every company will be allowed to work at the terminal in the port, unreliable forwarders are screened; for end customers such a measure is only beneficial, because their cargo and shipping containers are in the hands of reliable carriers. Inverse measure of forwarding control of the port is the accuracy of the information about the cargo provided by the client. The cargo owner may not know about all the requirements that must be followed when filing a container in the port for shipment by sea, and the freight forwarder is obliged to coordinate all the information with the client in order the shipment of containers to the port to be held according to the plan.
Port container terminals are divided into several areas for storage of containers awaiting shipment, customs clearance, vessels, vehicles, etc. Inside the port their transport routes to the internal moving of sea containers are arranged.
Port forwarder is obliged to know all the rules of work in order to understand where and for what reason the container is placed. Port charges for the container will depend on its place. Dry containers, such as of 20 feet and 40 feet, with general cargo are placed in the designated territory, special containers and containers with cargoes which processing should be agreed additionally with the port, are on a separate platform.
Our company is engaged in sea shipping, that’s why we work with all ports and with all sea container lines. Our transportation is accredited for work in the port area, we inform our clients about current port operations with containers without delay including online form. Our commission for the port handling of containers is always minimal and does not exceed the equivalent of 100 US dollars per TEU.